4 Pool Maintenance Habits You Should Develop

Hello and welcome to my new pool blog. My name is William and I live with my wife and our pet cats in a small town in Eastern Australia. I worked very hard last year and saved a lot of money so we could have a new pool installed on our property. We had a fantastic summer of swimming in it. It was a lot of fun. However, I recently noticed that it was beginning to get cloudy. I had no idea why. My friend who is a pool contractor inspected the pool and explained I needed to add some cleaning chemicals. I decided to start a blog to help others who are having problems with their pools.

4 Pool Maintenance Habits You Should Develop

4 Pool Maintenance Habits You Should Develop

12 April 2018
, Blog

You can lower the cost of maintaining your pool and prolong its useful life if you adopt the right pool maintenance habits. This article discusses some of those useful habits which every pool owner should develop.

Watch the Chlorine Level

Many pool owners know that chlorine should be added regularly to the pool. However, some end up not applying the correct amount of chlorine because they may think that what they previously applied is still present in the water. The pool can therefore end up teeming with microbial matter as the days go by. The best way to ensure that you have sufficient amounts of chlorine in the pool is by using appropriate tools to measure the chlorine levels there. Only then can you make an accurate determination of how much more chlorine you need to add into the water on a week- by-week basis. Make it a habit to test the water before you apply any chlorine.

Use a Pool Cover

Having a pool cover can do several things for your pool. First, it prevents debris from getting into your pool when the pool isn't in use. Secondly, the pool cover can limit how much water can evaporate from the pool. This can reduce how much water is needed to keep the level of the water constant. The cover can also reduce how quickly the water in the pool can cool at night. All these benefits can be enjoyed when one is consistent in using that cover over the pool. Develop the habit of covering your pool whenever it isn't in use and you will reap all the benefits above.

Prompt Repairs

You should also develop a habit of conducting any needed pool repairs promptly. For example, don't put off repairing a broken tile in the pool for several months. Fixing a problem quickly prevents that defect from worsening and causing additional problems. Prompt repairs also reduce maintenance costs because you will spend less on parts and labour if you act quickly.

Run the Pool Pump

Is it necessary to run the pump of your swimming pool for the same number of hours each day? Each pool pump has a given rating which shows how many times it can pass the water through the pool filter in a given number of hours. Develop a habit of changing the number of hours in which the pump runs to suit your pool usage patterns. For example, run that pump for many more hours after hosting several friends to a pool party. The additional hours will enable the filter media to extract the added load of contaminants introduced by those extra people.

It can be hard for you to keep up with proper pool maintenance on your own. Hire an experienced pool service professional to ensure that your pool receives the care it needs consistently.

About Me
Keeping Your Pool Water Clear

Hello and welcome to my new pool blog. My name is William and I live with my wife and our pet cats in a small town in Eastern Australia. I worked very hard last year and saved a lot of money so we could have a new pool installed on our property. We had a fantastic summer of swimming in it. It was a lot of fun. However, I recently noticed that it was beginning to get cloudy. I had no idea why. My friend who is a pool contractor inspected the pool and explained I needed to add some cleaning chemicals. I decided to start a blog to help others who are having problems with their pools.
